Application for Water/Sewer Service
Application for Water/Sewer Service PDF
The City Council of Deer Creek, MN ordains that several amendments to Ordinance #38C Establishing Sewer and Water Rates is appropriate and in the City’s best interest. This amendment repeals the prior Ordinance #38C and replaces it with the following:
Section I
Sewer Usage Rates
Residential Rates: Each existing or future sewer hook-up shall be charged $38.00 monthly.
Commercial Rates: Each existing or future sewer hook-up shall be charged at the rate of $40.00 monthly for up to 9,000 gallons of sewer usage. Usage over and above 9,000 gallons per month shall be at the rate of $6.00 per 1,000 gallons used. Exception: IFS’s monthly rate will be $188.00.
Section II
Water Usage Rates
Residential Rates: Each existing or future water hook-up shall be charged $38.00 monthly.
Commercial Rates: All commercial meters will be read. Each existing or future water hook-up shall be charged at the rate of $40.00 monthly for up to 9,000 gallons of water used. Usage over and above 9,000 gallons per month shall be at the rate of $6.00 per 1,000 gallons used. All residents with water hydrants will be charged $35.00 annually. All water taken from fire hydrants will be charged $35.00 minimum and $6.00 per 1,000 gallons used. Residents with sewer only will be charged $16.00 a month.
Section III
Payment Date
All charges for sewer and water usage established by the Ordinance shall be paid to the City on or before the 15th day of each month. Disconnect will occur on the 25th of the month if balance is not paid in full. There will be a $30.00 fee charged for disconnection and a $30.00 fee for reconnection. All NSF and ACH checks will be charged an additional $35.00 fee. A late fee of $15.00 shall be imposed on unpaid sewer and water billings if not paid by the 15th of the month. All services that have been turned off for non-payment must pay the balance in full for services, all late fees, disconnection fee, reconnection fee, and two months services in advance. Cash will be the only payment received to restore services. Payments due but not paid by the end of the year will be put on your property taxes and will also include a service charge for non-payment.
Section IV
Property owners renting houses will be responsible for the water and sewer bill. Property owners will be billed directly. It will be the owner’s responsibility to collect from renters. If not paid, water will be shut off and the penalties listed in Section III will apply.
Section V
Home Ownership
When a homeowner has sold the house and moved, water will be shut off. The owner will contact the City Clerk’s office or contact the person doing billing and leaving the name of the new owner. The new owner needs to fill out an application and leave it at the City Clerk’s office before water/sewer can be reconnected.
Section VI
The fee for making a new sewer service connection, pursuant to *51.064 (D) shall be $60.00. The charge for not connecting to the municipal water system shall be $1,500.00. For all residents not hooked up to water in the water district, it is unlawful to construct, reconstruct or repair any private water system, which is designed or intended to provide water for human consumption. All existing homes that are not connected to the City water must notify the City upon the sale of their home with a written explanation as to who is to take care of the connection to the city water, whether it will be the current homeowner or the buyer. Any homes, not connected to City Water, upon sale, are on record at the Otter Tail County Recorder’s Office.
Section VII
Effective Date
The ordinance shall replace previous Ordinance #38C, signed July 24, 2017, which was effective October 1, 2017, and shall become effective January 1, 2019, after its passage and publication according to law.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Deer Creek this 17th day of December 2018.
APPROVED: Tom Svarvari, Mayor
ATTEST: Thomas R. Parish, Clerk/Treasurer
Phone: (218) 639-7681